Beside Germany this surname occurs in 18 countries. In Germany Tegethoff is mostly found in: North Rhine-Westphalia, where 81 percent live, Hesse, where 4 percent live and Lower Saxony, where 3 percent live. Tegethoff is most widespread in Germany, where it is borne by 1,675 people, or 1 in 48,063.

This surname occurs predominantly in Europe, where 69 percent of Tegethoff live 69 percent live in Western Europe and 69 percent live in Germanic Europe. It is borne by approximately 1 in 2,933,795 people. Tegethoff is the 173,051 st most numerous last name throughout the world. How Common Is The Last Name Tegethoff? popularity and diffusion Click here to see other potential spellings of Tegethoff. The last name Tegethoff is held by more people in Germany than any other country/territory. Where Does The Last Name Tegethoff Come From? nationality or country of origin