Check out the manual or website of your antivirus provider to see how to disable it.

Try to disable each of them to see if there is any change. Sometimes your firewall or antivirus programs interfere with your download speeds. This scenario is due to high traffic in that region, so selecting a different location can sometimes increase your download speed, even if it is further away. Sometimes, the area closest to you is not the most suitable option. Also, ensure that the “ Limit bandwidth to” box us unchecked.From here, click on the “ Download Region” dropdown menu, where you can select the “ region” closest to you.Now, click on the “ Downloads” section.Open the “ Steam” app, then click on “ Steam” in the top-left corner, and then select “ Settings.“.You can choose your region by performing the following steps:

For optimal results, you should always select your location or the one closest to you. Check Your Download Region and Bandwidth Limitĭid you know that Steam uses your location for downloads? Your download speed gets affected by your region, but Steam can sometimes detect the wrong area. You’ll need to switch the priority level after every bootup unless you use a third-party app like Prio or Process Hacker. Note: Windows 10 does not save the setting after shutting down. This method might not do wonders for your Steam download speed, but at least it will prioritize it over other processes. Now, in the “ Details window“, you need to right-click the “ SteamService.exe” process and set its priority to High.Find the “ Steam Client” on the list of processes, right-click it, and click “ Go to details.Make sure Steam is running, and then open “ Task Manager.