Server space costs money and users of Make and old Pro versions aren’t doing anything to help with those costs. Not a far flung or disjointed thing at all.

The Collada version has been offered to users for more than a decade. ( I would expect them to drop support for SketchUp 2019 within the next month or so although that’s only a guess.) That saves server space because they don’t need to convert and store uploaded components and models for a whole bunch of SketchUp versions.

They did delay dropping support for 20 until last year but I imagine COVID had something to do with that. The 3D Warehouse has normally only supported the current and previous two versions of SketchUp for years. If you’re already using a supported browser, you can refresh your screen and try again to sign in.” And of course, if you want to pull a model straight from the Warehouse into SU…you still have to be signed in, just as you do in a regular browser.I wonder how people are expected to know about Collada? This seems another example of Sketchup/Trimbe being very far flung and disjointed. However, I still cannot sign in - there is still the message “ Couldn’t sign you in This browser or app may not be secure. And it seems that everything loads properly. I launched SU2017 and sure enough, the Warehouse opened up when I clikked the 3DWH button in the toolbar. You may need to even sign out, then sign in with Chrome. SketchUp 20 are showing the 3D Warehouse window contents ok now.įor 2020 Design in particular, I found that I needed to go to in the Chrome browser to do the sign in step, then the window in 2020 Design worked ok. The issue that had been introduced by changes to comply with more recent versions of Chromium, has been fixed.

Ran across the following in the thread Using 3D warehouse products in 20-20 design software.